Some time ago, we wrote about how female circumcision was started by a guy called Uui of the Aaa Uui laughter fame.
Now, we will tell you how the culture developed and exactly how girls …
Some time ago, we wrote about how female circumcision was started by a guy called Uui of the Aaa Uui laughter fame.
Now, we will tell you how the culture developed and exactly how girls …
Riddles are part of our lives or at least they were. They are simple puzzles that have a involve two people one as the proposer and the other as a respondent. They are based on the local environment. I don’t …
Everywhere you go and non-Meru people learn you are Meru, they will greet you with “Muga Vaite Murume”. First, always remind them to remove the V, it’s Baite, because the Meru dictionary doesn’t have V.
Then, refer them to this …
This was a book that was used in standard 3 in teaching Kimeru in school and there is a tonne of fantastic stories that we will curate for you over time. So pick a stool and sit by the fire …
Remember our previous stories on the 2 fearsome justice-inducing Meru curses Kithiri and Kûringa Nthenge? Well, those, or fear of them was enough to keep the community members behaved. But there were crimes, because watu ni wale wale.…
Meru is a hotbed (don’t we love that word?) of amazing places to visit and discover. From the flora and fauna to the people and culture, there is so much to see. Actually, so much we cannot list all places …
Recently, when the Churchill Show was in Meru, MC Jasper Murume led the audience through a song that sounded like an epic rap song. Many flowed through – and you could see why in their ages, but many were left …
You probably know Kithaka wa Mberia. Yes, that Kithaka wa Mberia of Kifo Kisimani. Did you know he is a son of Meru?
Prof Kithaka wa Mberia was born in Tharaka in 1955. He attended primary school in Tharaka…
Everybody knows KamaNu. He is one of the mainstays in Meru music and for some time, he is all we knew even as the stupid “Merus can’t sing” rhetoric kept going rounds. So, it was only natural that