Growing up, I heard stories from other boys about ladies that were to be avoided by all means. The boys said that these beautiful ladies were “deadly”. Not in their killer looks, but in their killer ways. Stories of young men who died because of these ladies were rife in my childhood. A young man dying was almost immediately attributed to a curse on the wife. So I grew up avoiding unbelievably beautiful ladies, for the love of my life. These killer ladies had a name, they were called Ngirani.
Ngirani were a particular set of women in Meru history who were believed to be cursed. As accursed people, it was decided that they were not fit to be married to young men. Unsurprisingly, Meru culture, like most cultures then, was steeped in superstition and myth. And the Ngirani were the human manifestation of bad omen to the community. As such, the Meru believed such women should not have been joined to young men in fear of bringing a curse to the community and future generations. They were therefore married off to old men as second or third wives.
So how did one become Ngirani?
There are many theories that have been conferred to the creation of Ngirani.
Some people say that Ngirani were the offspring of a father-daughter copulation. Such a heinous coupling meant the offspring were to be ostracised by the community. But only if they were girls.Other ways one became a ngirani was if they were born with a deformity. Such deformities included breech births; that is girls who were born feet first instead of head first; girls whose upper teeth grew before the lower teeth and twin girls.
Other ways one became a Ngirani was if they were born with a deformity. Such deformities included breech births; that is girls who were born feet first instead of head first, girls whose upper teeth grew before the lower teeth and twin girls. There were also ngirani clans/families. These were families where girls were known to not take care of their husbands and families where child mortality was high.
There were also Ngirani clans/families. These were families where girls were known to not take care of their husbands and families where child mortality was high. But here is the most ridiculous path for a girl to join the Ngirani: if a girl’s fiancé was obstructed by a hyena or fell into any other misfortune while going to court her, this girl was immediately subscribed to the Ngirani roll of honours. You can imagine how girls had sleepless nights wishing calamity free journeys to their fiancés.
There are two conspiracy theories associated with the Ngirani.
The first conspiracy theory is that there was once a young, beautiful girl who had her eyes set on a young handsome warrior. The two had planned to marry and were deeply in Meru love; going to the river together, feeding each other miraa and dancing kĩrarĩĩre together. But the girl was forced to marry an old man. In her anger and heartbreak she cursed her sisters and her entire lineage, they were all to be married to old men.
The second conspiracy theory, which sounds more plausible these days, is that the Ngirani were an invention of sex-depraved old men. The old men decided that the best way to get young, firm ladies was to invent a curse that would lead a section of younglings to their beds. And thus, the ngirani were manufactured to serve that purpose.
The jury is out on the Ngirani. Or should I say the Njũri is out?
What are your thoughts on this? Share in the comment section below.
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Wonderful end factual. Revolves around unfit genogram. It continues in modern society. Thanks for the article.
Interesting article, though a lot of repetition.
One thing you forget about Ngirani is that majority of them got beared and it is easy to notice them by their look.
wow,,am a merian with no idea about our culture and tradition.I should start digging.Thank you for the Ngirani article.
Thanks a lot.Now I know
Interesting! Never heard about it before
The bearded woman is termed as ‘kithetha’ not ngirani a such, but the traits are both viewed as bad omen.
Interesting read this is. Interesting blog all together. Kudos for the creativity.
Sounds familiar with the Kikuyus’s “Red Thighs” ladies phenomen. Interesting read though
How about those ladies with long/protruding upper incisors
Since these ladies are beautiful and one may wish to marry them, there is a ritual you do cheadeath. The ngirani damsel puts you in a sack and carries you on her back. Then she goes round the village wailing and moarning that you are dead. The death will forget you and you can live happily with your beautiful wife.
Good story but improve on editing prose, repetation and use of correct kimiirru diacratic marks, otherwise congrats.
Lovely piece, never heard of it.Awesome diction but avoid too much repetition ninja…ur great.
Hire me as your editor.
Joe about this girl with bog teats? Were they the ”Bad Omen” or Ngirani? I thought both. Aß i grew up, One Gas to avoid them even in the mornings . Otherwise teh whole day would bring Evil. And so was it when they came to your family🙈🙈
I am sorry. My Mobile is set in German, and seems that my words are automatically changed to something else and thats why am gonna correct my Comment here.
How about this girl with big teats? Were they reffered to as ”Bad Omen” or Ngirani? Cos as i grew up, One had to avoid meeting them in the morning, otherwise the whole day would bring Evil or Bad Luck. And so was it when they married in your family🙈🙈
Interesting enough we share this superstition with Igbo tribe from Nigeria. Anyone who has read Elechi Amadi – The Concubine can remember Ihuoma – she was Ngirani per excellence! 😂😂😂
interesting…it never hurts to learn something new everyday…knowledge powers!!
awsome,its great to learn of different community.