Art and Music

Nancy Gatwiri – the Reigning Comedy Queen of Meru

Nancy Gatwiri meru comedian

You have watched this girl’s videos, and probably shared them on Facebook and WhatsApp, because they are so funny and crazy they leave your ribs cracking… and sharing, of course. My favourite is when she takes up this role of this naive village Meru girl called Ciomariu. You know, the type of girl who meets her boyfriend Mûambi mariûne (banana plantation) and is wondering why they have to keep meeting in those circumstances. I mean, what if the owner of their Green Lodge meets them? Or decides to cut his bananas?

Meet Nancy Gatwiri, the reigning Meru comedy queen!

Nancy Gatwiri, sasa!

Poa sana..

You are very funny… were you born funny, or just found yourself funny? 🙂

I have always been cheeky and courageous since I was young. People always laughed even when I was not joking. So maybe I was born to entertain.

Vile it comes so naturally, I believe you. So, when did you start this madness?

I have been an actress for 4 years now. Started out performing high school set books and I used to crack jokes on stage. Early this year, I decided to show the world my talent and make someone laugh so I started posting videos on my social media platforms. People thankfully appreciated it, and that’s where we are now.

And then you started chucking viral video after viral video. What inspires your content?

What inspires my content is our unique culture as people from Meru and our wonderful way of life. I mean, there is so much to laugh about?

Talent opens doors to great opportunities. What doors has comedy opened for you so far? What would you say is the biggest achievement you have managed so far?

Well, so far I can say that the door that comedy has opened is that of recognition, people have noticed me and I believe I have occupied a seat in Meru entertainment industry. I am doing my best and who knows? More opportunities may come, you know…get invited to some big gig to do stand up comedy and also link up with the people who have already made it in this industry.

My biggest achievement so far….I have managed to make people laugh with my content because they can totally relate with it…that’s an achievement. Trust me its not easy to make someone laugh😁😁

There isn’t a lot of comedians in Meru, and your content is so fresh and unique. Who inspired you to become a comedian?

The person who inspired me is my guy (laughs) Douglas Maside. He is a great actor who has featured in TV drama such as HAPA KULE NEWS on KTN and MCHUNGAJI on NTV and others. His determination really inspired me, and everyday he inspires me to do better and he also keeps advising me on content.

You moved on from Mûambi quickly…

Hahaha. That’s a fool. I mean, how could he lose a hot chick like me?

Enyewe. And I know mafisi camped in your DM when word went out that you were now single and roaming the villages.

How did you know? Hehehe…for real, ever since I started posting these videos, boychild wamevamia DM yangu… but I keep it professional and again I’m taken.

Nancy Gatwiri Meru comedy
Nancy Gatwiri off the set

They don’t know how much you have struggled to be here…

True, man. Like those moving theatres were fun, but challenging. Challenges zilikuwa mob, traveling at night, not having enough rest, poor pay and lack of jobs especially when teachers went on strike and also during holidays.

But all that made me stronger, and who I am today.

Very inspiring. Speaking of which, are you at a level to inspire upcoming comedians or you feel it’s still work in progress?

Yes, I believe I can inspire upcoming comedians because I believe am really going far. Along the journey, my desire is to hold another person’s hand to reach to the top. It will be fulfilling to help someone. We are stronger together and there is no small or big achievement. Zote ni achievement.

Nancy Gatwiri Meru Kenya comedian

What next? Where do you want to take this?

I would want to become a social media personality, because through comedy I can address issues that the Meru youth deal with and I also want to use the platform to address and express our unique culture.

I want to be known as the Nancy Gatwiri who makes people laugh, but also gives solutions to problems facing the community.

And you will, go take on the world, daughter of … where are you from, by the way, Nancy?

I’m not even sure. My parents come from Tigania, I was born in Maua, lived half my life at a place called Nkandone (Igembe north) and then back to Maua again. I’m a village girl.

We wish Nancy Gatwiri all the best in her comedy. She is proving what we have always said: Meru is a hotbed of art and talent… and the more Amerucans take up their positions in showbiz, the more we shame those voices of eti ooh! Merus can’t bla bla bla. 🙂
You can find Nancy on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Just hold your ribs together because you will laugh! And if you are a business looking to engage the Meru market, or you have an event that you need to be fun, she will do the job perfectly. Ama namna gani?

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