
Ameru OPinion POll

This past week, there have been allegations and counter-allegations that the recently published opinion polls for Meru County were ”cooked” to  favour some candidates subject to money changing hands.

Whether it’s true or not, we may never know. Maybe they …


Winnie Kaburu is one of the aspiring candidates for the position of Governor Meru County. She is the only woman in the race with the incumbent Peter Munya (PNU), Senator Kiraitu Murungi (Jubilee), Dr Kilemi Mwiria (MCC); independent candidates Buuri …



My people, let’s have a candid discussion. Meru has been known for peace. We pride ourselves in agreeing to disagree but remain peaceful while at it. This narrative seems to be changing if incidents in the recent past are …


Meru Jamhuri Violent

Last night I slept with a sinking feeling in my stomach. See, I was flipping through stations and paying close attention to the three Meru Stations and I chanced upon an ugly scene – people, lots of people in a …

Politics, The People

independence hero Mwariama
See this Rasta with Jomo Kenyatta here? That’s Field Marshal Musa Mwariama. While Kenyatta was leading the war for independence in offices, Mwariama was leading the Mau Mau in Meru. He was part of the core Mau Mau leadership, with


It’s a year to elections! Yaay or nay? Do elections excite you? Do they make you think, yaay, it’s time to change the leadership of my ward, constituency, county and country? Or do you just not care, because, after all, …