Places, The People

Kafein Bistro

Have you ever wondered what Meru people in Nairobi do? We caught up with Duncan Munene, the owner of Kafein Bistro who refused to give us a photo of himself. We were curious to know how he got to where …

Culture, The People

African Elder probably leading prayers to God
A long time ago, before Christianity and other religions took root in Meru following civilization, the Merus believed in God and the Supernatural. They believed in only one God, still do, to whom they offer prayers and sacrifices both
Places, The People


“Ita ugiiite risitie e Kensilver.”

For a long time, the only transportation I knew was available between Nairobi and Meru was Kensilver Express. In Maua, long before I came to the big city, I only knew of Kensilver and anyone …

The People


We had a chat with the Managing Director of Jomic Autos and this is what we found about the business. He’s humble, funny and intelligent. Also, today marks a year since they lost his brother and co-founder of Jomic Autos, …

Politics, The People

independence hero Mwariama
See this Rasta with Jomo Kenyatta here? That’s Field Marshal Musa Mwariama. While Kenyatta was leading the war for independence in offices, Mwariama was leading the Mau Mau in Meru. He was part of the core Mau Mau leadership, with
Places, The People


Gakoromone Market. When you hear about the market what do you think about? Gikomba? Toy? Ngara? Gakoromone is the Gikomba,Toy and Ngara market of Meru town. I have always been intrigued by Gakoromone. Mostly because a lot of comedians use …

Art and Music, The People


Meet Husus Mugiiri Nyagah popularly known as Surf Msanii. He is a video/music producer and an artist. His office is on 4th floor on Mutindwa plaza building in the luscious town of Meru. To get there you use some …