A-a-aaa! Uui!
You have probably heard Meru women laugh like that. Or you have probably laughed like that yourself. Did you think it was just a laugh? Think again.
Uui was actually a person, a guy who lived in Meru …
Beyond, a culture so rich!
A-a-aaa! Uui!
You have probably heard Meru women laugh like that. Or you have probably laughed like that yourself. Did you think it was just a laugh? Think again.
Uui was actually a person, a guy who lived in Meru …
Sometime ago, we did a post here that drew a lot of criticism (which we love, btw – that’s how we know you are reading. The story was about Meru age sets. Most of the comments were that we …
Growing up, I heard stories from other boys about ladies that were to be avoided by all means. The boys said that these beautiful ladies were “deadly”. Not in their killer looks, but in their killer ways. Stories of young …
What’s in a name, eh?
Many people have asked me how to pronounce my second name: M’Mwenda. Well, let me share the proper way to call me because it’s not Mumwenda or any other witchcrafty variation. But before that, some …
What’s your age set?
After our Gichiaro story, we received requests for a post on the Meru age groups (nthuki). We will tackle that very soon, but first, let’s look at the more straightforward, and important component of …
Keeping up with the Meru story, our lesson last time was how the Meru worshiped and prayed to God, Kini Kiiru; and the good and bad spirits they acknowledged.
But, how about the relations between the people themselves? You must …
Last time, we spoke about God in the traditional Meru concept. Today, let’s look at prayers. how did the Meru people pray?
In whatever the Mumeru did, he would invoke God. That’s why, even today, when you observe …
Meru is on the up in so so many ways. Our tourism is soaring, more and more talent is being discovered and used and the Meru political scene is getting charged (as if it’s a good thing). All this …
Last time, we learned how the first Meru leader (Mugwe) was chosen. A young man at his prime who nobody expected to become the leader of the community. This time round, we will look at the qualities the Meru Leader …