
kamankura meru

Legend has it that during a particularly long drought that came upon the land of the prophet Mugwe, the people prayed to the god of the mountain Mwene Nyaga for rains to no avail. Plants, animals and people began dying …


meru african child naming

Child Naming was traditionally a very serious affair among the Ameru. Why? One, the Ameru believed that the child’s name was a determinant of what the child really was. Secondly, it was sacrifice to God and the ancestors.


When …


Riddles are part of our lives or at least they were. They are simple puzzles that have a involve two people one as the proposer and the other as a respondent. They are based on the local environment. I don’t …


Muga Meru greetings handshake

Everywhere you go and non-Meru people learn you are Meru, they will greet you with “Muga Vaite Murume”. First, always remind them to remove the V, it’s Baite, because the Meru dictionary doesn’t have V.

Then, refer them to this …


I cannot begin to describe death to you. Not because I don’t want to, it’s because there is nothing about death to describe, there is a darkness that surrounds it and something always shifts when we lose someone. We are …