It’s a year to elections! Yaay or nay? Do elections excite you? Do they make you think, yaay, it’s time to change the leadership of my ward, constituency, county and country? Or do you just not care, because, after all, …
Frankline Mwenda Kibuacha
Frankline Mwenda Kibuacha is a magician doing his magic on the internet. Specifically, he is a Digital Marketing Professional based in Kenya. Frankline Writes... and reads.
A Culture so Rich
Is there a place more beautiful than Meru?
Mugeni! Karibu Kimiirune!
Welcome! Karibu! Let’s celebrate our culture, our people, our economy our sceneries, our talents, our peace and our (insert-the-thing-you-love-about Meru)!
Grab your ucuru bwa mweere, gitundu kia miraa, gachai…turie story!
Again, karibu. If you would like to contribute a story, …